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Pavillon Monaco
Governmental Agencies
Area of work
Areas of work :

Monaco's Rich Heritage and Future Aspirations

Pavillon Monaco is a key institution representing the Principality of Monaco both globally and domestically. Tasked with orchestrating Monaco’s participation in international exhibitions under the Bureau International des Expositions, it also cultivates the local cultural scene through events like the Rencontres des Sites Historiques Grimaldi and the Marché estival des artisans et commerçants des Sites historiques Grimaldi. Furthermore, in 2023, Pavillon Monaco commemorated the centenary of Prince Rainier III, underlining its role in celebrating Monaco’s heritage and enhancing its global stature.

Website for World Expo Participation

LuxuryBrands.Digital recently developed a website designed specifically for Monaco’s involvement in the World Expo. The site supports Monaco through the entire Expo lifecycle: the preparation phase, where plans and concepts are developed; the building phase, focused on construction and setup; the operation phase, managing daily activities and presentations during the Expo; and the legacy phase, ensuring Monaco’s participation leaves a lasting impact. This approach ensures that every stage of the Expo process is covered, aligning with Monaco’s objectives and showcasing its commitments effectively.

A Digital Guide to the Monaco Pavilion

The website serves as both a guide and a teaser for visiting Monaco’s pavilion during an Expo. It offers an in-depth explanation of the pavilion’s concept, guiding visitors through the planned visitor journey, or “parcours du visiteur,” detailing the experience they can expect. The site also features an agenda of events and activities scheduled to take place in the pavilion, ensuring visitors can plan their visit around the highlights. Additionally, the website provides a sneak peek at the restaurant menu, enticing visitors with the culinary delights awaiting them at the pavilion. This comprehensive approach ensures that the website is a valuable resource for anyone looking to explore the Monaco pavilion during the Expo.

Enhancing Partner Visibility

Additionally, the website designed by LuxuryBrands.Digital serves as a platform for partners, offering them visibility and a space for promotion. It enables partners involved with the Monaco pavilion to connect with a wider audience, showcasing their contributions and the collaborative efforts that make the pavilion experience unique. Through this feature, the website not only enhances the visitor experience but also fosters a sense of community and partnership, highlighting the collaborative spirit of Monaco’s Expo participation.